Globally recognised hotel sustainability certification, easy to assess digitally and now free of charge.
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About Ecostars
Ecostars® is a hotel-specific sustainability certification that awards eco-stars based on a hotel's environmental impact per stay.
Ecostars is recognized by international organizations such as the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO) and our standards have been recognized as equivalent by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) - 'GSTC Recognition'. Ecostars is also a B Corp.
The certification process is fully digital and the average time from application to certification is just two days, all thanks to an automated process® owned by Ecostars, plus the participation of entities such as Ecoembes and Ecofoodies.
1,500+ hotels have already been certified in multiple countries, making Ecostars one of the largest sustainability seals in the world.
Axes of evaluation
The certification process is entirely digital and the average time from application to certification is just two days.
Ecostars evaluates the key axes of sustainability in each hotel in order to measure the environmental impact of each stay, based on the following axes:
Energy consumption (electricity and fuel) per stay, compared to benchmark of similar hotels.
Water consumption per stay, compared to benchmark of similar hotels.
CO2 Footprint
Calculation and offsetting of CO2 emissions, through the UNFCCC's Climate Neutral Now ® programme.
Selective separation and recycling processes at the collection point, common areas and rooms, through Ecoembes®.
Use of products from sustainable sources and reduction of single-use plastics.
Sustainable food
Control of products from animal sources in the food, through Ecofoodies®, and cruelty free aspects.
Establishment of ethical practices in human and labour relations, at client and employee level.
Chains and associations already certified with Ecostars
There are already hundreds of hotel chains, associations and independent hotels certified with Ecostars, in different countries and continents
See full list of certified hotels
... and many more
Institutional recognition
Ecostars is a member or is recognised by international organisations such as the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), and national organisations such as the Spanish Tourism Board.
Strategic alliances, memberships and partnerships
Communication of certification
Ecostars seeks to recognise and give visibility to those hotels committed to more sustainable practices.
It is important information for travellers and that is why certified hotels obtain physical and virtual materials to communicate their degree of compliance to their clients.
Physical and virtual boards
When you certify your hotel you will receive a physical welcome pack that includes a metal plate for the door and a dozen small metal awareness plates for the bathrooms in the rooms.
You will also receive the Ecostars seal virtually to place on the hotel's website and social networks.
Digital application
We upload new hotels to the Ecostars website in order to be able to acquire and refer new clients to them.
In addition, the rating obtained is made available to interested OTAs and travel agencies, so that this information can be shown to travellers.